Tom's latest book - The Monsoon Ghost Image was featured on the blog yesterday - here.
Can you give us a quick biography of yourself?

Ah, yes, that is my quick bio,
thanks, Col. You saved me all the heavy lifting. To add to that briefly… I have walked across the Himalayas, had the opportunity to
dive with hundreds of sharks in the Philippines, and witnessed the Maha Kumbh
Mela, the largest gathering of people in the world. I have travelled with sea
gypsies and nomads, pilgrims, sex workers, serial killers, rebels and soldiers,
politicians and secret agents, artists, pirates, hippies, gangsters, policemen
and prophets. Some of them have become close friends. Others appear in the
articles and books I write.
I am a journalist specialising in
South and Southeast Asia. I’ve also written a bunch of non-fiction books
including bestsellers like Sacred Skin (www.sacredskinthailand.com) and several
feature documentaries. That’s the day job which I love. But I got into all this
because I wanted to write fiction. I wrote my first novel, The Devil’s Road to
Kathmandu, just as I was starting off in journalism.
I don’t jump out of planes, I don’t
eat sea food. I don’t take my hat off.
With your author hat on….
What’s your typical writing schedule?
I generally get up late morning,
do some sports, go shopping, get home before 3pm and start working. I tend to
work through to 2am with a dinner break when needed. Then I wind down for an
hour or two before crashing out. I can go for weeks like this. But I also often
go on assignments – this year I have worked in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, India
and Nepal – when I am on the road I tend to get up earlier – the world does not
wait on mid-day writers.
When you have an idea and you sit down to construct your
story – do you know what the end result is roughly going to look like? Are you
a plotter, or do you make it up as you go along?
Both. I write an outline, some
character details of the main protagonists. I rewrite the outline, refine it,
etc. Then, when I start writing the text I do everything possible to stick as
close to the outline as I can but the characters often revolt, the story
changes direction and once it does it’s like a set of falling dominoes, a
journey to another place.
Maybe writing is a bit like war.
As soon as the first shot is fired, carefully made plans go to shit – savagery
and survival are everything.
Are there any subjects off limits? (From reading your
latest, I guess not.)

I’ve enjoyed your latest The Monsoon Ghost Image recently.
How long from conception to completion did it take?
The Monsoon Ghost Image took a
couple of years to put together.
Was it a smooth process or were there many bumps in the
road along the way?
I wanted to bring Maier forward
into our most recent history. The first book in the series, The Cambodian Book
of the Dead, dealt with the Cambodian genocide, through the eyes of a German
(as I recently read that a significant number of Europeans and Americans don’t
know what the Germans did in WWII, I emphasize here that the latter is
significant). The second book, The Man with the Golden Mind, looked at the
CIA’s largest operation to date, the secret war in Laos, which the Americans
lost, along with every other war they have started and fought since WWII.
Kissinger makes an appearance in that one. Both those books were first
published by Exhibit A and sold pretty well. When Exhibit A went under, I went
into a depressive funk and concentrated on my day job for a couple of years
before tackling The Monsoon Ghost Image properly.
What was the spark of imagination that got you started on
I am based in Thailand. In the
early 2000s, the US tortured several Muslim terror suspects here. Water
boarding, rectal feeding tubes, the whole works. For me, that was and is the
end of the end of the end of America’s foreign policy. It is time the US went
home and cleaned up its own house, stop killing innocents abroad, starving
millions of kids to death as they do in Yemen right now. So that provided a
great hook. I also felt the need to finally write a novel set in Thailand, to
kind of make peace with my home, to take the opportunity to reflect on how some
foreigners live in this country.
Did the final result mirror the book you were striving for
at the start of the journey?
Yes, it is bleak and reflects my
political philosophy quite well – that we are completely screwed by
corporations and rich people, that the poor always get fucked and killed and
that democracy and human rights are fig leaves to hide our moral turpitude.
In the book we have dual locations of Thailand and
Germany. Is it important for you to have a connection to the settings that you
write about?
Incredibly important. I used to
refuse on principle to write any scene set somewhere I have not been. I am not
that dogmatic anymore. I recently published my first crime fiction story in
French, with French co-author Laure Siegel, in the magazine Ecoute. Troubled
Waters is a story about shark attacks killing the tourist business in La
Reunion, a French island near Madagascar. I have never been to La Reunion. But
I do know how to put a story together, know a little bit about sharks, and
Laure had been to the location and made sure we got the local colour just
right. But generally I have been to all the locations featured in my fiction at
some point in my life.
At the end of TMGI you seem to indicate that Detective
Maier’s race is run. I felt a certain ambiguity about the ending. Are you sure
you can’t tempt him out of retirement for a 4th outing?
Well, well. I did start writing
the beginning of a short story which had Maier waking up in some remote Asian
location, not knowing how he got there or even why he was still alive…
Can you tell us a bit about your two earlier books in the
series – The Cambodian Book of the Dead and The Man with The Golden Mind?
The Cambodian Book of the Dead:

In the novel, German Detective Maier travels to
Phnom Penh, the Asian kingdom’s ramshackle capital, to find the heir to a
Hamburg coffee empire. As soon as the private eye and former war reporter
arrives in Cambodia, his search for the young coffee magnate leads into the
darkest corners of the country’s history and back in time, through the
communist revolution to the White Spider, a Nazi war criminal who hides amongst
the detritus of another nation’s collapse and reigns over an ancient Khmer
temple deep in the jungles of Cambodia. Maier, captured and imprisoned, is
forced into the worst job of his life – he is to write the biography of the
White Spider, a tale of mass murder that reaches from the Cambodian Killing
Fields back to Europe’s concentration camps – or die.
By looking at the tragedy and cruelty of 70s
Cambodia, I also was able to look at my own country’s past crimes against
humanity, to put the history of my country in some sort of focus. This idea is
quite controversial in Germany but because I left more than thirty years ago, I
like to think that I have freed myself from some opinions or attitudes that
Germans who live in Germany today might not be able to question. In any case,
with the Internet, time is moving so fast and the meaning of history and the
past is changing so quickly, that the opinions of a German of my generation who
left his country a long time ago, may not be easily understandable for my
country women and men.
The Man with the Golden Mind:

In The Man with the Golden Mind, Julia Rendel
asks Detective Maier to investigate the twenty-five year old murder of her
father, an East German cultural attaché who was killed near a fabled CIA
airbase in central Laos in 1976.
But before the detective can set off, his client
is kidnapped right out of his arms.
Maier follows Julia’s trail to the Laotian capital Vientiane, where he learns different parties, including his missing client, are searching for a legendary CIA file crammed with Cold War secrets.
Maier follows Julia’s trail to the Laotian capital Vientiane, where he learns different parties, including his missing client, are searching for a legendary CIA file crammed with Cold War secrets.
But the real prize is the file’s author, a man
codenamed Weltmeister, a former US and Vietnamese spy and assassin no one has
seen for a quarter century.
And as I mentioned earlier, the novel features a
cameo by Henry Kissinger, one of the great mass murderers of the 20th century.
And your non-series fiction novel – The Devil’s Road to Kathmandu?

The plot is straightforward enough. In 1976,
four friends, Dan, Fred, Tim and Thierry, drive a bus along the hippie trail
from London to Kathmandu. En Route in Pakistan, a drug deal goes badly wrong,
yet the boys escape with their lives and the narcotics. Thousands of
kilometers, numerous acid trips, accidents, nightclubs and a pair of beautiful
Siamese twins later, as they finally reach the counter-culture capital of the
world, Kathmandu, Fred disappears with the drug money. A quarter century later,
after receiving mysterious emails inviting them to pick up their share of the
money, Dan, Tim and Thierry are back in Kathmandu. The Nepalese capital is not
the blissful mountain backwater they remember. Soon a trail of kidnapping and murder
leads across the Roof of the World. With the help of Dan’s backpacking son, a
tattooed lady and a Buddhist angel, the ageing hippies try to solve a 25-year
old mystery that leads them amongst Himalayan peaks for a dramatic showdown
with their past. The Bangkok Post called it “a better backpacker read than The
Beach.” Ahem.
Do you favour one of your books over the other? Which
would you press into the hands of a new reader?
am pretty happy to have written all four of the novels. When I meet new potential
readers I always recommend my most recent book. If I think they might not be
able to stomach that, then it is The Devil’s Road to Kathmandu, I suppose,
though the commissioning editor at Harper Collins India told me many years ago
when I tried to pitch the book to them, that my story was too immoral to be
considered for publication. I guess some folks might say that about The Monsoon
Ghost Image, as well.
What’s been the most satisfying moment of your writing
career so far?
Waking up this morning, with a
roof over my head, the bills paid, and time to fill this here page. It’s been a
great, infuriating, frustrating, illuminating, wonderful ride so far.
Any unpublished gems in your bottom drawer?
I’ve just finished a short story
called To Kill an Arab which will be out in February in a crime/horror fiction
anthology edited by Chris Roy and Andy Rausch in the US, which will also
feature several well-known American authors. And I am working on a second
French language novella with Laure Siegel, set in 1940s French-occupied
Any advice for prospective authors out there?
The fiction market is declining,
it’s hard to sell a book. Only old people still read. If you have a story to
tell, then don’t be discouraged, but do look which platform suits your idea the
best. If there is another way to put it out there, to find an audience for it,
then that might be worth considering – perhaps as a movie, TV series, a youtube
channel, a play or a radio show, who knows?
What’s the best thing about writing?
It’s my job but often it doesn’t
feel like a job, more like something that gives meaning to my life and the
world. It’s both so very serious and so totally ridiculous. I mean, sitting in
a room alone for months on end. Who does that?
The worst?
Not having a regular income as a
professional and lifestyle choice has been a challenge from time to time,
especially when I first started writing.
What are the last five books you’ve read?

Who do you read and enjoy?

For plot, Katherine Dunn, Graham
Greene, Joseph Conrad, Elka Ray, Patricia Highsmith.
For message, David Goodis, Chester
Himes, Charles Bukowski, Katherine Dunn, Massimo Carlotto, Ross MacDonald,
Graham Greene, Peter Matthiessen, Thomas McGuane, Mikhail Bulgakov, Brian
For being ‘out there’, Charles
Bukowski, William Burroughs, Hunter S Thompson, Jim Thompson, Michel
Is there any one book you wish you had written?
I guess I wish I had written or
will write a book like The Quiet American by Graham Greene – it knows its
location, tells a universal story and is prophetic at the same time. And it’s
bloody well written.
Favourite activity when not working or writing?
Travel to the four corners of the
world, swimming, walking, playing guitar, silence, cleaning the house (the
latter three largely for therapeutic reasons).
With your publishing hat on…..
Is it difficult juggling your time between the publishing
and your own writing?
Given that I am on the road a lot
and that my schedule can be hectic, my ability to focus on CWP is not regular
as clockwork, but it is consistent. I read a lot of manuscripts (mostly parts
thereof), answer mails, talk about design, submissions and promotions with my
partner Hans Kemp and about PR with our PR manager extraordinaire Chris Roy.
We have published 32 titles to
date. We publish in ebook and POD format and have noticed that despite our
authors getting more publicity than ever, that ebook sales are not increasing.
That is kind of frustrating. There are just too many books out there,
especially self-published ones that no one buys but that sort of clog up the
system. CWP was started to offer writers who were unlikely to be signed by the
big six publishing conglomerates a modest alternative to obscurity and
We now publish an average of two
books a year. That way we can promote them to the best of our abilities while
still giving some attention to our signed authors.
To publish great crime fiction on
a new platform. Turns out the new platform, as mentioned above, is problematic.
Amazon, which sells most of our books, is a monolithic greedy business empire
that abuses its workers and doesn’t pay enough tax. Ironically, we pay
inordinate amounts of tax in the US. It’s not a happy situation. But it is the
world we live in and the only practical way we can get our books to readers.
Do you feel satisfied that you have achieved those goals?

Any hints on what CWP has lined up for 2019?
A new and gritty novel by British
Noir writer Ben Jones in the spring. Currently juggling two titles and a bunch
of unread manuscripts for the fall release.
Do you anticipate CWP still being around in another five
or six years’ time?
Bloody hope so. Be great to
publish 50 crime fiction novels from around the world. As long as Hans is game
and we break even, the next thriller from Crime Wave Press is just a few months
away! Incidentally, we would like to publish more female authors. Submissions
guidelines on the website – www.crimewavepress.com
Thanks Col, for giving me the opportunity to answer a great, incisive set of questions.
Many thanks to Tom for his time and Henry Roi for connecting us.
Tom Vater has written
non-fiction and fiction books, travel guides, documentary screenplays, and
countless feature articles investigating cultural and political trends and
oddities in Asia.
His stories have
appeared in publications such as The Asia Wall Street Journal, The Guardian,
The Times, Marie Claire, Penthouse and The Daily Telegraph.
He co-wrote The Most
Secret Place on Earth, a feature documentary on the CIA’s secret war in Laos
which has been broadcast in 25 countries. His bestselling book Sacred Skin (https://t.co/sMe3M6dUMp),
the first English language title on Thailand’s sacred tattoos, has received
more than 30 reviews.
Interesting interview, for which thanks, both. It's fascinating to see life through the eyes of someone who does publishing as well as writing. And you've had some real adventures, too!
ReplyDeleteMargot, it was interesting to get an insight into Tom's experiences as both an author and publisher, in addition to his fascinating life adventures.
DeleteFascinating stuff -- a big thankyou to both.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the piece.
DeleteSounds like he has had some wild experiences. Thanks for the interview, Col.
ReplyDeleteElgin, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
DeleteA fascinating and exhaustive interview, Col. I believe travelling widely broadens the mind and provides great fodder — as well as ideas and perspective — for one's writing, as evident from Tom Vater's rather adventurous writing life. I have never been to the Maha Kumbh Mela (I shun crowded places), which is held every 12 years at a few locations in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, but I was intrigued that Vater had been there. I hope he writes about his experience. I'd also like to read the Detective Maier series, in 2019.
ReplyDeletePrashant he has lived quite the life hasn't he?