Wednesday 4 March 2020


Ha, more for my own amusement than anything else and a bit behind the times

(note to self - find 2019 post of same, copy and paste, change dates and images, job done)

Haha - reading plans for a whole year, when I can't stay on track for more than a book, maybe two before getting my head turned by something else. Oh well..

1. Finish an intended TBR Mountain reading challenge that's been on the sidebar since 2014

2. Ditto a USA State reading challenge. I've probably read more than half the states in the country but am too idle to keep things up to date. I would like to finish it in 2019 - err, 2020

3. Catch up with my wife and son - I'm a list of books behind on the sidebar.

4. Ditto - an author catch up list.... Charlie StellaAnthony Neil SmithMichael Connelly to mention a few

5. Try and complete several book series I started running through some years ago, at a pace of one a month before getting distracted - Matt Scudder by Lawrence BlockTravis McGee by John D. MacDonaldElvis Cole by Robert CraisQuarry by Max Allan Collins and Nameless by Bill Pronzini.

6. Do the Aussie Author Challenge over at Booklover Book Reviews site

7. Complete the 2019 European Reading Challenge run by Rose City Reader, aiming for at least 12 countries in the year. Something I never actually started. Rolling over to 2020 then

8. More blog related than reading - finish cataloguing my books - the physical ones at least. I've been a bit slack regarding this!When I get caught up on my blog posts - I'm about a month behind I'll have to get back on the horse. I did do one tubsworth last year. 

The library in the old house

I might try and log the books on the kindle as well for a sense of completism. Plus I have another programme that stores books on the laptop.

9. Try and keep on top of any freebies/review copies that might come my way.

10. Stop browsing Net Galley and Edelweiss early reviewer sites. The world won't end if I don't get my hands on every new crime fiction book published!

11. Stop buying books

12. Stop buying books

13. Stop buying books

14. Try and catch up on the TV and Film backlog listed.

15. Oh and lose some weight you porky git. 

16. I do have a somewhat ambitious goal of trying to read a complete Indie publishers output - All Due Respect. I bloody love them. I think since 2012/2013 they've published nearly 70 books. I've maybe read 20 of them give or take. I probably have 40 in the TBR pile. I just like what they do. So why not aim high?

17. 120 yearly reading target as per usual

18. Read more female authors than in 2019 - I might need to actually find out how many that was first. 

19. Enjoy the books 

20. Try not to let people down - particualrly in respect of breaking promises and deadlines to read things. 

And also good yardstick for life anyway.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Quite a plan, Col! Your choice of author/book series would be mine too. I have never attempted reading an entire series by a single author, at least no since the Hardy Boys in school and Perry Mason and James Hadley Chase much later. I haven't been to NetGalley or Edelweiss for fear of losing control. My own reading has been off to a slow start and I'm trying to balance my time between work and reading, writing and blogging.

    P.S.: Sorry, I deleted the previous comment. Made a stupid mistake and I hate those.

    1. Prashant, no problem. I do like keeping up with authors, particularly when they are series books. It's a shame I'm not very good at it.

  3. I think you'll like the Aussie author challenge, Col. There's some excellent stuff coming out of Australia, and although I will never, ever, ever be able to read it all, what I have read is worth exploring. Oh, and I love #11-13. I cannot reach those goals, but I can admire people who do. Of course, the most important one, book-wise, is #19...

    1. Thanks Margot. I do like a trip to Australia in my reading. Hopefully I'll visit more often! Agreed 11-13 might prove to be beyond me!

  4. You will not be bored over the lifetime it will take to accomplish those challenges.

    1. Bill, thanks for stopping by. I think you're right. If I achieve half of the targets I'll be happy.

  5. My comments on your list:

    No. 11, 12, and 13 are my favorite. And the hardest to accomplish.

    I really like the idea of completing some book series that were started years ago, and the Matt Scudder series and the Nameless series would also be on my list.

    I wish I had the energy to log all the books on my Kindle, because I forget they are there. But first I have two years of books from the Annual Book Sale that I haven't cataloged.

    I would love to do the Aussie Author Challenge but I already have too many challenges going.

    It is good to have goals. Especially reading goals.

    1. Tracy 11, 12, 13 are impossible. The rest I'll have a good go at. If I can complete a couple of the series I started I'll be happy. I think there was 5 in total, which obviously proved to be a bit ambitious.

      If I can finish logging the physical books this year, I will be happy the Kindle can wait until next year.

      As for challenges - I do like undertaking one for Australia and also Canada.

  6. I am late to this post but I really loved it - hilarious. We'll expect the results update in December. (well, more likely next Feb at the earliest...)

    1. Ha nearly the end of April and I still have a book post to sort from 2019, so you're probably not wrong, Moira!
