Tuesday 8 November 2016


Well nearly three years down the road, I've managed to complete an arbitrary sidebar challenge for myself - 12 books from Down Under, though I managed 13 all in all. 

I've neglected and totally ignored New Zealand. Maybe I ought to challenge myself again to read a dozen just from NZ!

And the observant among you will notice I've managed to ignore women totally as well - no female authors in sight!

The 13 were......

William Marshall - Yellowthread Street (1975) (4)

Andrew Nette - Gunshine State (2016) (4.5)

Iain Ryan - Drainland (2016) (4.5)

Dave Warner - City of Light (1995) (4)

Iain Ryan - Four Days (2015) (4.5)

Kenneth Cook - Fear is the Rider (2016) (4.5)

Garry Disher - The Heat (2015) (5)

David Whish-Wilson - Line of Sight (2010) (5)

Peter Temple - Ithaca In My Mind (2012) (4.5)

Brian Stoddart - The Pallampur Predicament (2014) (4)

Brian Stoddart - A Madras Miasma (2014) (5)

Peter Robb (AKA) B. Selkie - No Sweat (AKA Final Cut) (AKA 1/3 of Pig's Blood and Other Fluids) (1995) (3)


Peter Robb - Pig's Blood and Other Fluids (Maybe) (1999) (3)

Garry Disher - Two Way Cut (2004) (3)

Re-visiting the original review posts to compile the links for this, I think I've confused myself again over the Peter Robb - B. Selkie - Pig's Blood Other Fluids - No Sweat - Final Cut - Lime Juice saga..oh well. 

Of the batch above - two were set in British Colonial India and one in Hong Kong the rest were all in Australia.

I had hoped to read some Peter Corris, some Robert G. Barrett and a bit of P. M. Newton but they'll all keep for another day. Ditto David Owen and Paul Thomas and Ray Berard.

Rest of the covers below.......


  1. I'm glad you found some great Australian crime fiction to read, Col. And I agree with you that Disher, Temple, Stoddart, and Nette are talented writers with solid stories.

    There are some really talented Kiwi authors out there, too; if you get the chance to read them, I hope you'll enjoy them.

    1. Margot - I don't think I had a dud read among them. Shame I didn't get to NZ this time, but I will at some point!

  2. Those Brian Stoddart volumes have great cover art. They remind me of the Michael Pearce "Mamur Zapt" mysteries set in Egypt. Alas, those didn't engage me (there are bunches) and they are now in Tracy's storage.

    1. Not heard of those books by Pearce myself and I'm sworn off more books. I'll look up the covers only!

  3. There are several authors there I am interested in. There are also some Australian authors I would like to read whose books are hard to get here.

    1. I think the advent of the e-book has helped make some of these authors easier to get hold of. Not always though. There's a lot more I'd like to read from this part of the world.
