Margot Kinberg, author of Past Tense (on the blog yesterday) has a new novel out today - Downfall.

Margot was kind enough to submit to a bit of gentle questioning from me.....
Is the writing full time? If not,
what’s the day job? Can you give us a quick biography of yourself?
The writing’s not
full time (although I hope someday it will be). By day, I’m a hardworking nerd
egghead Associate Professor at my university. I’ve been in higher
education for most of my career and taught at large and small schools in three
different parts of the US. Does that sound too much like a job
application? By night, though, I’m a
writing ninja.
What’s your typical writing
Well, I fibbed a
bit. I usually don’t write at night unless I get a real brainstorm. I’m more of
a morning person, so I write early in the morning. I’m the one with the home
office light on long before the first joggers and dog-walkers get going. I
don’t always have a set number of minutes or hours that I write, because that
depends on my ‘day job’ obligations for the day. But I generally try to get in
an hour or two of writing during a working day. When I’m not teaching, it’s
much more.
When you have an idea and you sit
down to construct your story – do you know what the end result is roughly going
to look like? Are you a plotter, or do you make it up as you go along?
I’m more of a
plotter. Since I write crime fiction, my stories generally have at least one
victim. I start with that, and then work out who that person was and why anyone
would want that person dead. The story then builds from there.
That’s not to
say, though, that I don’t add things in as I go along. More than once, I’ve
found myself adding in characters or events as the story evolved. I think
that’s the way real life is: you start with a plan for your life, or the next
few months or years of it, and things happen as you go along.
Are there any subjects off limits?
That’s an
interesting question. My first thought is that it’s not so much a matter of
subject as it is the way the topic is handled. For instance, an author can
write about rape or domestic abuse without it becoming ‘torture porn.’
That said,
though, I don’t write stories in which animals are killed or brutally treated.
And I don’t write stories in which young children are treated brutally. I know
that there are authors who can write effectively about those topics. I’m not
one of them.
I’ve recently finished your third
Joel Williams book – Past Tense (very enjoyable by the way) and I understand
you have the fourth due shortly – Downfall – can you pimp Downfall to me in 50
words or less?
Thanks for the
kind words – so glad you enjoyed Past
Tense. In Downfall, Joel Williams and two research colleagues do a study of
Second Chance, a for-profit alternative school program in Philadelphia. In the
process, they uncover some ugly things, including the death of one of Second
Chance’s students. Just how far will someone go to cover up the truth?
How long did Downfall take from the
seed of your imagination to this point in time? Was it a smooth
process or were there many bumps in the road along the way? Did it turn out how
you imagined?
Downfall actually has a
bit of a weird history. I wrote the first draft of it about five years
ago. But that draft was all wrong and
had a lot of problems with it. So, it languished in the ‘I’ll get back to it’
file for quite some time. In the meantime, I wrote Past Tense. Last year, I got the draft of Downfall out again, shook the dust off, and re-wrote it. So,
although it’s the fourth published Joel Williams novel, it’s actually the third
one I wrote. It’s a bit like the Beatles’ Let
it Be and Abbey Road. It didn’t
turn out the way I first envisioned it, but that’s for the better.
Without any spoilers, is that
Joel’s adventures done and dusted or is there more in store for him and your
readers in the future? Any writing plans for a non-Williams book?
I’m not quite
done with Joel Williams – or, should I say, he’s not quite done with me. I have
ideas for a couple of Williams novels. They’re just in the ‘what if” stage, so
nothing really planned out and written yet. But I’m thinking...

You have four Joel Williams' books
now to your name. Is there one of your books you are more proud of than the
others? Which would you press into the hands of a new reader?
Hmm...that’s an
interesting question. It’s a bit like being asked which of your children you
love most. I’d say either Past Tense or
Downfall (although I am proud of the
other two). The reason is that I think I’ve learned a few things as I’ve worked
on the series. I think the more recent novels are richer – at least I hope they
are! It wouldn’t say much for me if I didn’t get any better at writing over
What’s been the most satisfying
moment of your writing career so far?
I’d have to say
it was when I read a really positive, supportive review of B-Very Flat from someone who had no reason (not a family member,
etc..) to be nice about the book. What was especially meaningful about that was
that the review made it clear that I’d made a sort of connection with that
reader. It sounds sappy, I know, but I really do like connecting with and
communicating with readers. I love it when people who read my work ‘get’ the
points I’m trying to make.

It is, and so is Past Tense. The story is all about the
world of publishing. To make a long, frustrating story short, I was somewhat
naïve when I started trying to get my writing out there. So, I agreed to work
with publishers who, as it turned out, did not have my interests as any kind of
priority. After a long time, no promo or other help from those publishers, and
constant reminders that I would only get support if I paid extra – a lot extra
– for it, I decided to get my rights back. I was successful with B-Very Flat. It hasn’t happened yet with
Publish or Perish. I’m hoping that
will change.
Any unpublished gems in your bottom
I’d hardly call
them gems! I’m working slowly on a short story collection. Some are originals,
and some are expansions of some of the flash fiction stuff I’ve put up on my
blog. I don’t know when the project will see the light of day. I do know it’s
very good for my writing skills to do the short story format. I like stretching
those writing muscles.
What’s the current project in
I’m working on
two novels at the moment, both (for now) standalones. One continues the story
of Patricia Stanley, one of the characters from B-Very Flat. I’m picking up with her life a few years after the
events of B-Very Flat. The other is
unrelated at all to the Joel Williams novels. It’s an expansion of a flash
fiction story I wrote. The characters wouldn’t leave me alone, so I’m working
on that one, too. We’ll see how each goes.
What’s the best thing about

The worst?
Writing takes a
toll, both physical and mental. It takes a lot of physical discipline to keep
writing, even when you simply don’t want to that day. But the fact is, you
don’t get it done unless you sit your hind end in that chair and do it. It also
takes a lot of mental discipline to focus on getting better and keeping your
optimism. That’s especially true when there’s a negative review, or when you
notice a stupid mistake you’ve made, or.... or... But you have to let it go and
keep writing.
Not to play coy,
but a few of the books I’ve been reading are candidates for this year’s Ngaio
Marsh Award For Best Crime Novel. So I’m waiting until the lists are announced
to talk about them. But I’ve also been reading other things. For instance,
there’s Erin Moore’s That’s Not English,
a really interesting discussion of the way the same language is used so
differently in the UK and the US. It’s all bound up in history and culture, and
I find that fascinating. And there’s Paddy Richardson’s Through the Lonesome Dark. Admittedly, I read that one a few months
ago, but can’t resist the chance to plug it. It’s a powerful historical novel
that takes place just before and during World War I. Oh, and folks, if you haven’t read Sarah
Ward’s D.C. Connie Childs novels, please do so. You won’t regret it.
Honestly, I don’t
have just one, or even a few, particular authors to list. My main reading focus
is crime fiction, but that’s such a broad genre that it’s impossible to choose
just a few authors. I will say, though, that I’m (not so patiently) waiting for
Angela Savage to give us a new Jayne Keeney novel (a-hem, Dr. Savage!). I’m also trying to catch up with Mark
Douglas-Home’s work, among a few other authors I’ve discovered in the past few
years. The trouble is, there are so many talented authors out there, that it’s
very hard to focus on just one or a few.
Is there any one book you wish you
had written?
I admire a lot of
authors and their books, so this isn’t an easy question to answer. Let me
approach it this way. I wish I had half
the talent of the authors I admire most. And there’s a list of them. I’d love to be able to write even a quarter
as well as they do. I know, not a real answer to your question, is it? But it’s
my honest response.
Favourite activity when not working
or writing?
I love music. And I’m fairly eclectic in my
tastes. So, a ‘music break’ is always welcome. I used to play, myself, but I
haven’t done that in a while. Still, I love listening, singing, going to a
once-in-a-while concert, and so on.
What’s the last film you watched
that rocked you?
recently it was was Joe Wright’s The
Darkest Hour. I thought Gary Oldman did a fine job as Churchill, and the
rest of the cast were up to their roles, too. It’s worth a watch if you haven’t
seen it.
TV addict or not? What’s the must
watch show in the Kinberg household?
I’m not an
addict, really. I do watch TV, and have been catching up (thank you, Netflix)
on a few series like Peaky Blinders
and Hinterland/Y Gwyll that I enjoy.
But I wouldn’t honestly say there’s ‘must watch’ TV around here. Oh, wait,
there was that Super Bowl mania last month. But the Philadelphia Eagles were in
the game (and won). So there really was no choice...
In a couple of years’ time…
...I would love
to have my Joel Williams series really established and be working on my next
series. I don’t know how well that will go, but I would love to be able to
write full time.
Thanks, Col, for
hosting me!
-------------------Many thanks to Margot for her time.
You can catch up with Margot Kinberg at the following haunts.
Facebook page
Google plus
Thanks very much for hosting me, Col! I really appreciate the support. And it's been great being here.
ReplyDeleteMargot, it was a pleasure having you. Good luck with the new one and the ones to follow that! And thanks for all the blog support as well.
DeleteWell, two of my favorite people in one place! Very enjoyable interview. Margot, I don't know how you find the time to do all the things you do. I've wondered if you live in a different dimension where the hours or days are somehow longer. Anything to that? And Col, you keep costing me money with your many inticing reviews of books I simply must have. If I quit reading I might even break even as a writer with my meager royalties. Never happen! Thanks for an interesting post, you two! :-)
Thanks for the kind words, Michael. I really appreciate your support. I love the way we in the world of books support each other. And as for where/how I live? I could tell you, but then....well.... ;-)
DeleteMichael, I'm constantly amazed at Margot's tireless energy. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and I hope I can keep adding to your TBR pile!
DeleteI agree with E. Michael Holmes Margot, you cost me money buying your recommendations and I hope I live long enough to read everything on my TBR pile. Goodness knows how you fit it all in and sleep too. Amazing. So happy to see your latest book published and more of your work out there. Wishing you much success and Col. thanks for hosting Margot. Seriously cool. xx
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jane :-) - I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. ISn't Col great? I know what you mean, too, about never, ever having enough time to read everything there is. I don't think I"ll ever get through my TBR *sigh*...
DeleteJane, I'm glad my tastes in reading don't always collide with Margot's because my TBR pile would definitely be more outrageous than it already is!
DeleteHow great to have two of the A Team of bloggers in one place! Fascinating interview, I really enjoyed that, and am very much looking forward to reading Downfall.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Moira. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Col knows how to ask great questions, doesn't he? It's a privilege for me to be here.
DeleteCheers Moira, glad you enjoyed this one!
DeleteInteresting interview Margot & Col - I really hope Margot that you get your rights back for the earlier books as they deserve wider availability & many congratulations for your newest book.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed Hinterland too, as this was an engrossing crime series with a twisty political thread.
Oh, I thought it was, too, Spade and Dagger! Very well shot and acted, too, in my opinion. And thank you for the well wishes. I really hope I will get my rights back, too. We'll see how that goes.
DeleteI suppose I'll have to look Hinterland up - I'm supposed to be reading!
DeleteThanks both - enjoyed that! And good luck with the new one, Margot!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much, FictionFan. I appreciate the good wishes. And isn't Col a great interviewer?
DeleteCheers Fiction Fan!
DeleteVery interesting interview. Col always asks good questions, and I learned more about Margot and her writing process. Thanks to both of you for the interview.
ReplyDeleteTracy, glad you enjoyed the interview.
DeleteSo glad you enjoyed the interview, Tracy. Col really is a skilled interviewer, isn't he?
DeleteLoved reading more about you, Margot! My pre-order has automatically downloaded and I'm looking forward to the read. :) Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Elizabeth :-) - I hope you'll enjoy it!
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Elizabeth. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.