

Wednesday 3 December 2014


A funny month in that I didn't watch much, didn't have my head stuck in the books all the time and wasn't out either. The days of painting the town red have long gone.

The month started with a post Halloween film catch-up. My daughters made me watch Insidious 2. That wasn't fun.

The first Hobbit film was watched, once we realised that a little while back we had actually watched the second one. Naturally the second one had to then being re-viewed in preparation for a couple of the gang going to watch the third when it is released sometime soon.

If there's something I like less than horror films, it is probably Hobbits! I do like Martin Freeman though.

The obligatory Christmas movie channel has been resurrected at this time of year now with a weekend back-to-back schmaltz-fest as the old favourites get dusted off again and again and again.......Miracle on 34th Street, Mrs Claus, etc. I'm too numb to properly remember and list.

Got hooked on something my daughter's wanted to watch - Orange is the New Black. By turns dirty, rude and hilarious, but sad in many respects too when you get the back stories of some of the inmates. Not sure whether we are watching first season, second season or indeed actually how many seasons of it they have made, but I am enjoying it.

Another enjoyable 4 or 5 hours was spent in the company of British comedian Mickey Flanagan and his Detour de France with his mate Noel and their bikes. Comedy gold! I do like Flanagan as he has no airs or graces and is an absolute hoot!

Lastly I watched the best film I have seen in ages - Sunshine on Leith - a musical adaptation from the stage show based on music from The Proclaimers starring Jane Horrocks and Peter Mullan.

I would quite happily have watched it again the following night it was that fantastic.


  1. That's a good wide range of watching! It's slim pickings on actual TV at the moment, don't you find? I think they're saving all the good stuff till Christmas.

    1. I think you'd like SUNSHINE - a bit like the ABBA one only with not-half bad music. ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK - I'd like to see what you think.

      Re overall - I agree - not too much I'm invested in at the minute, which may help the reading this month. I've even missed my UNIV CHALLENGE fix for the past 3 weeks!

    2. That's the one programme I don't miss - Monday nights aren't the same without it, I miss it in the off season. If I go out on Mondays, I normally watch it when I get in, however late....

    3. I remember it on a Tuesday then try and find it on catch up, and fail miserably then give in gracefully. I should have just recorded the series.

  2. Col - You did watch a variety of things this month. I've never seen Orange is..., myself, 'though I've seen trailers for it and so on. But you're not the first to say it's worth watching. Same for Sunshine on Leith. Clearly I'm not spending enough time with feet up and television on...

    1. Margot - you need to kick back and unwind a little - if your work ethic allows! :-)

  3. Col, I have seen Richard Attenborough's MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1994) and I have been meaning to see the 1947 version, which I'll probably find online. I have been catching snatches of the film versions of JRR's trilogy including THE HOBBIT though I can't say which number. I'm too confused with this Hobbit business but they are a hit with both my kids, aged 23 and 17, who watch the films again and again.

    1. Hobbit's come on and I switch off, I had my fill with THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. Hobbits in small doses only!
      I'll watch Christmas films in preference any day - even the middle of summer!
