Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Approximately 2000-2500 books in my attic, my reading pace varies from 80-120 a year, dependent on how much life interferes with my reading. I'm in my late 40's, so by that definition I have enough to read until I'm in my early to mid-70's - assuming I stop buying, which is incredibly hard to do.

Over the years my tastes have moved from horror - King, Koontz, Barker etc to an interest in Vietnam War books, both factual and fictional, to crime, to spy fiction with the odd bit of literature and sports biography thrown in.

I used to keep everything I read, perhaps an inherited hoarding gene passed onto me by my father, though now I read them and move them on - the ultimate aim being to get down to zero books so that my kids won't have to deal with 10 tonne of old tat when I pass on.

Most of my "collection" is classed as mount TBR, though I have read some of what is now stashed in the attic. I'll hopefully read them all once or once more, pen a few thoughts on the last one read and get stuck into the next.       


  1. Interesting, Col, how your reading's changed over the years. I think most people's does. I give you credit for thinking it over and sharing.

    1. Cheers Margot. I think my tastes won't evolve too much now going forward, I'm firmly stuck in crime fiction with a few meanderings!

  2. What a nice bit of history! How have your stats changed since then?

    1. Reading stats about the same, with a focus on hitting 120 each and every year, probably more of an obsession actually. The 40s have slid past and I'm now in my! The number in the library is probably close to double previous estimate and I don't think I have added 2000 books in the past 3 years, but maybe......
