

Friday 1 February 2019



When Charlie 'Minty' Lamb meets the gorgeous Ginger down the local boozer he thinks all his Christmases have come at once. Even the boys on the back-shift can't believe his luck, that is until one or two start to notice that Ginger might be something other than she appears. Soon Minty's questioning himself, and everyone else, with good reason. A fast-paced noir short for fans of the classic London crime caper.

Not too much to write about here - a 16 page short story from Tony Black which you can get over on Amazon.

Charlie is punching above his weight with his latest girl, but he feels good about himself, even if the lads do still extract the urine from him. And even if she might have charged for her favours in the past.

Charlie finds out there's no such thing as a free lunch though. Someone always picks up the tab.

Fast, enjoyable, a fair bit going on in a short narrative. And it serves to whet the appetite for his longer work, of which there are a few on the shelves.

I'm long overdue digging into his Gus Drury series - Paying For It, Gutted, Loss, Long Time Dead. Only had the first on the shelves 10 years!

Bay of Martyrs (co-written with Matt Neal), RIP - Robbie Silva and Truth Lies Bleeding have been enjoyed before. In the case of the latter two long before the blogging/reviewing days.

4 from 5

Read in January, 2019
Published - 2015
Page count - 16
Source - owned copy
Format - kindle


  1. This one sounds like a solid read, Col. And I agree that reading short stories is a good way to get to know an author's work and decide if you're inclined to read more.

    1. Agreed - they also keep my scoreboard ticking over nicely!

  2. Unlike you and Margot, Col, I don't reckon short stories are a good way to preview novels. So many writers are far better/worse at one form than the other.

    When Charlie 'Minty' Lamb meets the gorgeous Ginger down the local boozer

    Stoned Ginger?

    1. A contrary opinion, but not a controversial one. I see where you are coming from. I suppose if I found someone's shorts impenetrable I'd be put off trying something longer. Even trying longer format books from authors I've enjoyed before is no reliable indicator, as a recent Thomas Perry book reminded me.

      And if she was and she complained about it...... Stoned Ginger Whine, almost a famous drink (and very lame)

  3. I much agree with Margot and Colman, as my ever increasing tbr, tbo lists have long attested to.. an introduction, reintroduction to a writer continues to be a personal much favorite practice.
    . shorter form writing and collections has ever been rewarded reading..
