

Tuesday 9 January 2018


2 this week from Hanna Jameson - another author who I only recently discovered when browsing a bookstore over Christmas - her third novel Road Kill caught my eye.

BOOM - before I know it, I've got these two bad boys on the pile to enjoy.

She writes "like an angel on speed" apparently - so I'm thinking I'll enjoy these when I get to them.

From an internet search - she's currently working on her fourth novel, which might be due in 2019. Maybe I'll have caught up with her output thus far by then - somewhat unlikely, but I can but dream!

Catch her on Twitter@Hanna_Jameson

Something You Are (2012)

Nic Cuaruana is 27, and he has served a prison sentence for killing someone when he was 17. Since his release, he has worked as a hit man-cum-cleaner-upper of various crime problems. An arms dealer called Pat employs Nic to find his missing teenage daughter Emma, and almost before he knows it Nic has fallen big-time into gangland London. Quickly he discovers Emma has been murdered, but as he keeps chipping away as to what happened to her, Nic upsets more and more of the sort of people who really shouldn't be upset and, even more dangerously, he starts to fall for the nervy charms of Pat's self-mutilating wife, Clare. Something You Are is the first in a series of menacing urban crime novels from a young female writer of exceptional talent.

Girl Seven (2014)

The second turbo-charged novel from Dagger shortlisted Hanna Jameson

What is the price of revenge? The day her parents and sister were murdered, Seven did not cry. Instead, she tried to forget. She vowed that one day she would be free from the sight of their blood. But Seven could not forget. And now that she is part of London's criminal underworld, she knows men who can maim; men who can kill. But they all have a price. Will Seven betray her friends to avenge her family? A breath-taking thriller laced with fierce, sparse prose, Girl Seven stars a complex, conflicted heroine navigating a violent, amoral world.

Road Kill looks pretty amazing too!


  1. These sound like solid, tough, power-packed tales, Col. I hope you'll enjoy them when you get to them.

    1. Thanks - I do like the look of these Margot.

  2. All right, now I am waiting to read a review of one her books from you.

    1. I'm planning on setting aside a month of reading female authors only - maybe April because my record is pretty shocking. Hopefully she figures.

  3. An all-female month! what a great idea, you must do it...
